Phoenix, a lovely brindled beauty of a dog, was found running stray along Highway 29 in Georgetown – not a good place for a dog to be! – and was taken to Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter. They realized very quickly that Phoenix had babies on board and put out a call for help to get her out of the shelter in time for the blessed event. GAO answered that call, and Phoenix was able to give birth in a clean and quiet foster home. All the puppies were born healthy, and mama and babies thrived in their foster home.
Shelters are not a healthy place for a mama to have puppies. It is loud and stressful for mama and babies. Plus the shelter is not a safe environment for puppies’ fragile immune systems.
The babies grew – and grew and grew! One by one, they found their forever homes. Phoenix was adopted too, by a nice lady who worked at the vet clinic where Phoenix received her medical care as a GAO dog. Happy endings all around!